Software development reference using xl2roefact python library
Library components
flowchart TD
bas[[Basic processing \n components]]
cmds[[Command \n components]]
cfg[[Configuration \n components]]
present[[Presentation \n components]]
top --- bas
top ---- cmds
top --- cfg
top ---- present
Basic processing components
These components assure the basic elementary-raw processing of information. Their interface is pure technical and require basic development knowledge to be used "as is".
read an Excel file and extract invoice data to a JSON file formatwrxml
write, convert the JSON invoice file to a XML file format, respecting schemes required by RO EFact standardchkxml
check generated XML fileldxml
load an invoice (ie, its XML associated file) to ANAF SPV systemchkisld
check if an invoice is already loaded in ANAF SPV system
Command components
These components are 2nd level layer components desined to implement user level functionalities.
manage system settingsxl2json
process Excel file and store extracted invoice data in JSON format. More detais herejson2xml
process JSON file and convert it to XML (ROeFact standard compliant)json2pdf
process JSON file and produce invoice as PDF formatxml2roefact
upload XML format invoice to "SPV RO eFactura"
Session concept
This layer use the concept of session data, a session representing "all states & information" for a Commands
class instance, from its creation until it is destroyed.
The concept allow to use multiple commands (chain commands) in a session, without need of repeating / specifying parameters send to last command process. This is useful to avoid re-requesting end users for parametrs entry in a web application or console session application (ie, start command and execute multimple commands at a dedicated prompt until a "quit" or similar command).
Layer organization
This layer consist of the following clases:
is a dataclass aimed to contain resulted information from commands processing. It contains all needed information in order to be able to render and display it as plain text, rich / enenhanced text or HTML. It contains:- status code (HTTP standard codes)
- status short text as "human representation of status code", console output (plain text & HTML)
- effective information resulted from command processing.
is a dataclass containg all potential parameters passed to commands and which are subject to be repeated in the same session (to avoid re-entering them by end users and to present them as proposed default values) -
is the final class containing effective methods and session data
For more details see below the API Reference section.
Configuration components
These are the components that assure and make possible system configurablitity at user level.
USER level configuration - define application settings & parameters mainly used in invoice info / data detection and extract from invoice Excel format filesys_settings
SYSTEM level configuration - system database and parameters, not changeable at user level in current application usage (changing these parameters needs code updating to make them effective) - details in section Sysyem database and parameters
Presentation components
These are 2nd level layer components that make sysyem usable in various forms such as command line console application, daemon / server that runs in background and can be called from local or remote clients, library interfaces (for extensions and custom development) that hide low level technical execution details.
contains the code forxl2roefact
application command line (CLI) format__main__
assures right package "addressing" as Python modele (ie, running aspython -m xl2roefact ...
keeps current system version and helper functions to assure standard and canonical representation of version string__init__
assure friendly exposing of system public objects (and of course classic pytgon role of "package maker")
Install library
Library can be installed using 2 methods:
- install from PyPi
- install from site archive of distribution packages
Install from PyPi
The library installation can be done using standard Python instruments:
pip install xl2roefact
This command will install by default the last stable version. For other versions, standard PyPi procedure to install a specific version must be used.
Install from distribution packages
To install from distribution packages first download the package version intended to install (see download section), choose the package type (if you have no special option, then choose WHEEL
format) and install it using pip
as any other Python library installation (detailed in Python official documentation).
Aspecte tehnice referitoare la formatul fisierului JSON aferent facturii
Acest fisier este cel generat de catre aplicatie in urma executiei acesteia cu comanda xl2json
. Structura de baza a acestui fisier este:
"Invoice": {...},
"meta_info": {...},
"excel_original_data": {...}
Cheile de la primul nivel contin:
- datele efective ale facturiimeta_info
- informatii referitoare la procesarea facturii si mapa de conversie a cheii
din formatulJSON
in formatulXML
cerut de sistemul RO E-Fact - harta de ajutor in conversia formatului JSON in formatul XML acceptat de sistemul RO E-Fact (cheie
) si definititiile XML aferente (cheiemeta_info.invoice_XML_schemes
) - alte informatii despre fisierul Excel prelucrat (numele, worksheet cu factura, data si ora procesarii, CRC pentru verificare, etc)
- informatii referitoare la procesarea facturii si mapa de conversie a cheii
- informatiile originale din fisierul Excel, asa cum au fost ele identificate si gasite precum si locatia (adresele celulelor). Aceste informatii sunt utile in cazul in care exista neclaritati in urma procesuluicde conversie pentru "a intelege" de unde si cum arata informatiile originale din fisierul Excel
An example of JSON generated file is available here
Sysyem database and parameters
System database is an object that interface library components with physical stores of parameters and data requred by system and its applications.
Sometimes it can contain both physical and logical interfaces one example being InvoiceTypes which consists of:
InvoiceTypes: dict
the physical store of invoice types name and codesInvoiceTypesEnum: Enum
the logical object with invoice types implemented as standard Python enumeration (enum
This let open the possibility that in future versions to "externalize" physical data-objects to other systems or distinct files, but letting small / tinny physical data-objects to stay in